Beatles Roundup Holiday Edition

Shine On

You might think it would’ve been great to have been the confidant of Lennon and Ono. But Elliot Mintz’s We All Shine On: John, Yoko & Me (Dutton) shows that his relationship with the couple was something of a double-edged sword. After interviewing Ono on his radio show in 1973, Mintz found himself the recipient of daily phone calls from her, and eventually Lennon, each demanding more and more of his time. In a stark admission, Mintz observes that the couple could be “incredibly sensitive, honest, provocative, caring, creative, generous, and wise,” but also “self-centered, desperate, vain, petty, and annoying.” It’s a clear-eyed, compassionate account of a friendship with two extraordinary people, and a must-read for those interested in the couple.

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